Forecasting Improves Beverage Company’s Promotional Decisions

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Sustaining market share in the hyper-competitive beverage sector is a never-ending series of marketing adjustments—fine-tuning promotional tactics and campaigns according to brand, timeframe and marketing channels. Learn how assisted one of the world’s largest brewery conglomerates to harness the power of predictive analytics to gauge the lift of various promotions months in advance—eliminating guesswork and maximizing ROI.

Thanks to a new dashboard-based forecasting platform developed by, the company easily wields the insight to make agile promotional planning decisions six months in advance, accurately forecasting success across a wide spectrum of promotional options.


The company’s central marketing team felt constrained by their existing toolbox—a cumbersome ad hoc assortment of spreadsheet-based data—and too often making hit-or-miss decisions “on the fly.” They sought a single-single source platform that would serve as a “what-if” laboratory to forecast the overall lift of various promotional “levers”—discounts, seasonal marketing, and other variables. A six-month advance roadmap would facilitate solid planning with optimized budgets—with minimal trial-and-error

Results created an intuitive, dashboard-interface simulator tool, a versatile “lab environment” to realistically forecast lift from multiple promotional levers—including brand SKU, channel, volume, timeframe, even relationships to competing brands. From managers’ laptop computers, this customer can now easily and effectively plot successful long-term promotional strategies.


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