Recent Posts by David Hawkings

A single view of the truth – how a unified demand strategy can unlock opportunities for planned and unplanned demand

Reprint:  As seen in

For as long as consumer packaged goods companies (CPGs) have been using technology, they have been criticised for not using the latest or the right tech, to the extent that many have become inured to the negativity. Even feedback that takes a more positive approach generally comes with a sting in the tail, that what is working well now cannot continue to succeed in a fast-changing market.

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How AI is Reshaping the Future of Retail

Further to my recent article which gave a steer to retailers about how they might start their AI journey in a fuss-free wayincluding leveraging Proof of Concepts and discovery workshopsa few readers asked me what are some of the best use cases for AI in retail. 

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When the going gets tough, AI gets going

When I run introductory workshops with retail clients to help them understand the value of AI – and more importantly what wins they should reasonably expect and where they should start – one of the things we always caution is to remember that not everything is forecastable. Well if the events of the last few months have reinforced anything, it is exactly this point.

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